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13-2022.00 - Appraisers of Personal and Business Property
13-2022.00 - Appraisers of Personal and Business Property
Appraise and estimate the fair value of tangible personal or business property, such as jewelry, art, antiques, collectibles, and equipment. May also appraise land.
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The tasks listed below can be performed to prepare you for a career in this field.
- Calculate the value of property based on comparisons to recent sales, estimated cost to reproduce, and anticipated property income streams.
- Create and maintain a database of completed appraisals.
- Determine the appropriate type of valuation to make, such as fair market, replacement, or liquidation, based on the needs of the property owner.
- Document physical characteristics of property such as measurements, quality, and design.
- Forecast the value of property.
- Inspect personal or business property.
- Locate and record data on sales of comparable property using specialized software, internet searches, or personal records.
- Recommend loan amounts based on the value of property being used as collateral.
- Take photographs of property.
- Testify in court as to the value of a piece of tangible property.
- Update appraisals when property has been improved, damaged, or has otherwise changed.
- Verify that property matches legal descriptions or certifications.
- Write and submit appraisal reports for property, such as jewelry, art, antiques, collectibles, and equipment.
- Write descriptions of the property being appraised.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The items listed below are organized into sections that contain knowledge useful for pursuing a career in this field. Each section also contains a "Percentage of Importance" statistic that shows how relevant an item is to the occupation.
No specific knowledge is listed for this career
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The tools listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
No specific tools are listed for this career
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The technologies listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
No specific technologies are listed for this career
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The certifications listed below are useful to pursue if you are interested in a career in this field.
No specific certifications are listed for this career
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The licensing information below is organized into sections and is useful for pursuing if you are interested in a career in this field.
No specific licensing information is listed for this occupation in the area you have selected.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
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