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13-2031.00 - Budget Analysts
13-2031.00 - Budget Analysts
Examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures and regulations. Analyze budgeting and accounting reports.
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The tasks listed below can be performed to prepare you for a career in this field.
- Analyze monthly department budgeting and accounting reports to maintain expenditure controls.
- Direct the preparation of regular and special budget reports.
- Consult with managers to ensure that budget adjustments are made in accordance with program changes.
- Match appropriations for specific programs with appropriations for broader programs, including items for emergency funds.
- Provide advice and technical assistance with cost analysis, fiscal allocation, and budget preparation.
- Summarize budgets and submit recommendations for the approval or disapproval of funds requests.
- Seek new ways to improve efficiency and increase profits.
- Review operating budgets to analyze trends affecting budget needs.
- Examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures and regulations.
- Perform cost-benefit analyses to compare operating programs, review financial requests, or explore alternative financing methods.
- Interpret budget directives and establish policies for carrying out directives.
- Compile and analyze accounting records and other data to determine the financial resources required to implement a program.
- Testify before examining and fund-granting authorities, clarifying and promoting the proposed budgets.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The items listed below are organized into sections that contain knowledge useful for pursuing a career in this field. Each section also contains a "Percentage of Importance" statistic that shows how relevant an item is to the occupation.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The tools listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.

The technologies listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.


The licensing information below is organized into sections and is useful for pursuing if you are interested in a career in this field.
No specific licensing information is listed for this occupation in the area you have selected.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
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