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25-1011.00 - Business Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1011.00 - Business Teachers, Postsecondary
Teach courses in business administration and management, such as accounting, finance, human resources, labor and industrial relations, marketing, and operations research. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
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The tasks listed below can be performed to prepare you for a career in this field.
- Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as financial accounting, principles of marketing, and operations management.
- Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers.
- Compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others.
- Prepare course materials, such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts.
- Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records.
- Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.
- Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, and course materials and methods of instruction.
- Maintain regularly scheduled office hours to advise and assist students.
- Keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional organizations and conferences.
- Advise students on academic and vocational curricula and career issues.
- Select and obtain materials and supplies, such as textbooks.
- Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues.
- Collaborate with members of the business community to improve programs, to develop new programs, and to provide student access to learning opportunities, such as internships.
- Serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues.
- Participate in campus and community events.
- Compile bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments.
- Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media.
- Develop and maintain course Web sites.
- Mentor new faculty.
- Participate in student recruitment, registration, and placement activities.
- Perform administrative duties, such as serving as department head.
- Supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research work.
- Act as advisers to student organizations.
- Provide professional consulting services to government or industry.
- Write grant proposals to procure external research funding.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
The items listed below are organized into sections that contain knowledge useful for pursuing a career in this field. Each section also contains a "Percentage of Importance" statistic that shows how relevant an item is to the occupation.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
The tools listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
The technologies listed below include machines, equipment, tools, and software that is useful for individuals who are interested in this career.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
The certifications listed below are useful to pursue if you are interested in a career in this field.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
The licensing information below is organized into sections and is useful for pursuing if you are interested in a career in this field.
No specific licensing information is listed for this occupation in the area you have selected.
All data sourced from US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration O*Net Database.
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